서브 페이지 내용

Manuscript Submission and Review
The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences is an organization dedicated to scientific research in the Korean field of fisheries and aquatic sciences.

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines
(Adopted: 1988. 3. 31. Adopted: 2003. 12. 31; 2009. 6. 13; 2011. 8. 26)


All manuscripts must be submitted online at our website (http://kosfas.or.kr). The author should be a qualified member of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, except in the cases of articles co-authored with KOSFAS members or invited articles. The manuscript must be prepared and submitted in Microsoft Word, double-spaced on A4 paper. Use Batangche font for Korean manuscripts and Times New Roman font for English ones, with a font size of 15 for the title (bold), 13 for the name and affiliation of the author (bold), and 11 for the main body (normal). All of the pages of the manuscript must be numbered in order.

Article Types

Article types accepted are: Reviews, Original Articles, Notes, and Short Communication. Prepare notes in the same format as original articles. Reviews are classified into invited and uninvited review articles, and the journal only publishes those uninvited articles that have been reviewed in the same process as original articles.

Organization of the Manuscript

The manuscript must include the title page, author name/affiliation, English abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results (and discussion), discussion, acknowledgements, refrences, and appendices.

Title Page

The title page should briefly describe the subject-matter of the manuscript. Subtitles or numbered series titles are not allowed, and the running title should be included. The title should have no more than 100 characters or 15 words and not exceed two lines in print. Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions and articles. A scientific name that comes after a common name in a Korean title should be placed in parentheses, but a scientific name that comes after a common name in an English title should be in italics without commas. Do not space before the opening parenthesis in a Korean title, but space before the opening parenthesis in an English title (the same applies to the main text.) Example) (Korean) 뱀장어((Anguilla japonica))의 영양학적 특성
Example) (English) Nutritional Characteristics of Eels Anguilla japonica

Author Names

In Korean manuscripts, multiple names must be joined by 「·」. In English manuscripts, surnames must follow first names, the initial letters of first name and surname must be capitalized. If more than three names are listed, they must be joined by commans (「,」), and the last author name must come after 「and」. Author names for contact information should be marked with 「*」 in the top right margin.

Example: (Korean) 홍길동·김말수·박재동*
Example: (English) Kil Dong Hong, Mal-Soo Kim and Jae Dong Park*


The abstract should be a concise and clear summary giving purpose, methods, results, reflections and conclusions in no more than 200 words.


Include no more than 5 keywords. Capitalize the initial letter of each word.


References and notes are cited in the main text as follows:

(1) When citing references in the main text, if there are one or two authors, give their full names; if three or more authors, indicate only the surname of the first author and use et al.;

Example) Kim (1940); Smith and Jones (1980); Park et al. (1980)

(2) Indicate references in English as shown below, in alphabetical order:

① Journals
: When citing an article in a journal, give the author name, the date of publication, the article title, the journal name, the issue number, and page numbers. Follow the abbreviation guidelines of the cited journal.

Example) Kim JB, Kim SK and Suh KH. 2003. Removal of suspended solids and nitrification by floating bead filter in recirculating aquaculture system. Kor J Fish Aquat Sci 36, 163-169.

Example) Lee SM, Kim KD, Park HG, Kim CH and Hong KE. 2001. Protein requirement of juvenile Manchurian trout Brachymystax lenok. Fish Sci 67, 46-51.

② Books
When citing a book, give the author name, the date of publication, a subtitle, the book title, the edition number, the editor name, the publisher name, the place of publication, and the numbers of the first and last pages cited. Indicate “In: Book Title” after the subtitle as follows:

ㄱ. If there is one editor:
Example) Randall DJ, Brauner CJ and Neuman JF. 1996. Water chemistry at the gill surfaces of fish and the uptake of xenobiotics. In: Toxicology of Aquatic Pollution. Taylor EW, ed. Cambridge University Press, London, U.K., 20-25.

ㄴ. If two or more editors:
Example) Rombough PJ. 1988. Respiratory gas exchange, aerobic metabolism, and effects of hypoxia during early life. In: Fish Physiology. Hoar WS and Randall DJ, eds. Academy Press, New York, U.S.A., 20-25.

ㄷ. If the author and editor are the same person
Example) Gau HG Jr. 1992 Statistical Analysis of Regional Yield Trials. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Nertherlands., 20-25.

③ Edited Symposium and Seminar Proceedings
Example) Purbayanto A, Akiyama S, Arimoto T and Sondita MFA. 2000. Capture process of sweeping trammel net with special reference on operation method and catch pattern. In: Proceedings of the 3rd JSPS International Seminar on Fisheries Science in Tropical Areas. Arimoto T and Haluan J, eds. Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, 98-103.

④ Dissertations
Example) Kutty MN, 1996. Some studies on the respiratory quotient in goldfish and rainbow trout. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

⑤ Reports
Example) FAO. 1993. Report of the expert consultation on utilization and conservation of aquatic genetic resources. FAO Fisheries Report, 491, 1-58.

Example) van der Lingen CD, Coetzee JC and Hutchings L. 2002. Temporal shifts in the distribution of anchovy spawners and their eggs in the southern Benguela: implication for recruitment. In: Report of a GLOBEC-SPACC/IDYLE/ ENVIFISH Workshop on Spatial Approaches to the Dynamics of Coastal Pelagic Resources and their Environment in Upwelling Areas. van der Lingen CD, Roy C, Freon O, Barange M, Castro L, Gutienez M, Nykjaer L and Shillington F, eds. GLOBEC Rep 16, 46-48.

⑥ Conference Abstracts
Example) Maita T, Aoki H, Tanaka S, Shimizu Y, Yamagata Y and Watanabe T. 1995. Abstract, Ann Meet. Jap Soc Sci Fish 1-36.

⑦ Websites
Example) MOMAF. 2007. Statistic Database for Fisheries Production. Retrieved from http://fs.fips.go.kr/main.jsp on July 14.

Tables and Figures

Explain Tables and Figures in English. Tables and Figures should be numbered as Fig. 1 and Table 5, etc. Include a title above each table and legends and footnotes below each figure. The figure legends and tables must be prepared on separate pages, and all figures and tables must be cited in the main text as Fig. 1., (Fig.

1), Table 1, (Table 1), etc. Include scientific names in the title of a table without commas. Experimental data should be presented as statistics along with standard deviation and significance.

(1) Tables (Table)

Prepare table legends in English (Times New Roman font) and descriptions in English (Helvetica or Arial font).
Tables should be numbered, e.g., Table 1. Tables should be cited as Table 1 or (Table 1) in the main text. Table legends should be prepared so that they are presented along with descriptions. The size of each table should be an actual size in print (8cm or 17cm width). Do not put footnotes below tables, but insert notes at the end of legends above the tables. Footnotes should be numbered with Arabic numerals typed above and indicated below tables as follows:

Example) 1The letters indicate..........

(2) Figures (Fig.)

Prepare figure legends in English (Times New Roman font) and descriptions in English (Arial or Helvetica font). Figures are numbered, e.g., Fig. 1. Figures are cited as Fig 1 or (Fig. 1) in the text. Table legends should be prepared so that they are presented along with descriptions. The size of each figure should be an actual size in print (the length of the X axis is 6.5cm if printed in half size, up to 15cm if printed in full size). Bundle Figures with the same axis descriptions together and arrange them vertically.

① Graphs
All graphs must appear in boxes. Insert symbols and illustrations of symbols at the end of legends. The border lines and markings of all graphs must have the same thickness. The markings should be directed inward. The descriptions of X and Y axes and the font of units must have the same size in all Figures.

② Hand drawing
Take into consideration the shape, size, and line thickness when the manuscript is printed. To prevent details from becoming blurry when printed at a reduced scale, adjust the line thickness. Include a scale bar and indicate the length of the scale bar in the description.

③ Photographs
: A photograph containing several pages should be arranged with individual photographs joined together. Include a scale bar and indicate the length of the scale bar in the description. Indicate that color photographs should be printed in color.


Units of measurement must be presented using System International (SI) units. (See the table of abbreviations and symbols below.)Symbols such as℃, %, °, ', '', hyphens, and arithmetic symbols must be joined by numbers or letters, but other units should be separated.

Examples) Length: m, cm, mass: kg, g, Time: min, s, hr, Temperature: ℃, K, Volume: L, mL, Calorie: cal, Sodium: psu, Indicate: 5%, 15+2, Temperature-Time, 5 m, 10 mL

Biological Names

(1) Italicize scientific names (genus and species) when they first appear. After that, abbreviate the genus names.

Example) Korean: Salmon(Oncorhynchus keta), English: chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta, O. keta

(2) Indicate scientific names of living organisms that have been manufactured or used as food ingredients.

Example) Changranjeotgal: Product made with the guts of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma)

Chemical Names

For chemical names and symbols, follow the international standards and indicate details in the text or notes if necessary.

Indicating Foreign Language in the Manuscript

Use lower case letters for words different from the original language of the manuscript except those that require capital letters (unique nouns, etc.). Do not use both Korean and English for the same name in the same manuscript.

Citations such as Tables and Figures

It is the responsibility of the author to cite copyrighted material.

Use of Abbreviations

See the table below when using abbreviations and symbols in the text.

Example)Significance difference: P (capital letters in italics)


See the latest edition of KOSFAS journal for details not specified here. Manuscripts that do not comply with the Submission Guidelines are not accepted.

Abbreviations and Symbols (Examples)

Abbreviations and Symbols (Examples)
Original Language Abbreviations or Symbols Original Language Abbreviations or Symbols
absorbance A meter m
amphere (milliamphere) A (mA) microgram μg
calorie cal microliter μL
colony-forming unit CFU micrometer μm
colony-stimulating factor CSF milliliter mL
counts per minute cpm minute min
counts per second cps molar (mol/liter) M
curie(s) Ci mole mol
cycles per second (Hertz) Hz month month
dalton Da newton N
day day normal (concentration) N
degree Celsius not determined ND
disintegrations per minute dpm not significant NS
electron volt eV ohm
equilibrium constant K optical density OD
farad F parts per million ppm
gauss G pascal Pa
gram g per /
gravity, due to acceleration g per cent %
gray Gy respiratory quotient RQ
hour h revolutions per minute rpm
infrared IR salinity psu
inhibitory concentration, 50% IC50 second s
isoelctric point pI significant difference P
joule J standard deviation SD
kilobase(s) kb standard error SE
kilocalorie kcal volt V
kilogram kg volume vol
lethal dose, median LD50 volume ratio
liter L watt W
logarithm, common log week week
logarithm, natural ln weight wt
lux lx weight per volume wt/vol
mass spectroscopy MS weight ratio(weight/weight) wt/wt
year year